Time is a Flat Circle Summer 2023 Check In

Hello everyone! I know I’ve been dormant here on the website, but that’s only because I’ve been crazy busy everywhere else! I’ve refreshed things around here, adding a portfolio of most of the books I’ve been involved with, sort of in chronological order. I’m getting back into the habit of blogging here when I have inspiration for topics and most importantly I am finishing up work on Titan’s Gambit and outline the third book whose title I will reveal soon. It has been far too long since I’ve put out a new novel and I am sorry for that. I am committed to making both of these new books one of the first things I release in 2024.

Other than Titan City work, I have been incredibly busy with my position as M&M line developer, particularly with it being con season. We had an awesome time at Origins running some great games for wonderful players and I’m hard at work getting ready for Gen Con, PGX, and U-Con over the next few months.

USP has been progressing well also. We started the sequel to NetherWar, Freedom League Dark and the Multiverse of the Master Mage. FLD has been a ton of fun, despite moving to our new night and time. I have a couple other things in the works on the livestream side that I’ll announce soon as well. I will say if you’re a fan of Anson, I’d suggest keeping an eye on our next stream…

That’s all for now, I’ll something more substantial next week. Thank you for bearing with me while I disappear into my work and I will see you all soon!