2024 Here I Come!

Hello heroes! I hope you had a restful holiday season and are set to enter 2024 with all the energy and motivation you need to fulfill your goals. I’ve been busy over the last couple of weeks, taking stock of what I managed to accomplish in 2023 and making plans for this year.

As for 2023, I am rather proud of the work I put in. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Performed in the Hunchback of Notre Dame as the understudy for Frollo and as King Louis XI. I learned a lot about my singing voice and found a ton of confidence through the kindness of my castmates and the production staff. I have hoping for most of my theater career to play a leading role in a musical and I did get to play Frollo for two performances. It was exhilarating and I can’t wait to get on stage again.

  • I survived my first year as line developer for Mutants & Masterminds and that was no easy feat. I managed several crises, both externally and internally, and I feel like I’ve finally organized my thoughts and have big plans for the future of the game. I managed to run several actual plays for our patrons, posted a bunch of fun things in the Patreon and elsewhere, and finished the text on a couple of upcoming sourcebooks.

  • The Untold Stories Project continues to grow. We had an amazing Origins, ran several great campaigns, and holiday one shots, and we seem set to continue growing as we enter 2024. I wrote a post about that here if you want to check in on what I’ve been doing there.

  • I got to go to my first Green Ronin Publishing Summit in Seattle a few months ago and it was amazing getting to work with the team in person rather than just as Slacks passing in the night.

  • I was a Guest of Honor at PGX in October and U-Con this November and I actually felt like I was qualified enough for that to not be silly. But seriously, I had a great time running games, giving interviews, and seeing friends both new and old.

  • I wrote about 10,000 more words in Titan’s Gambit and found a publisher for those next two books in the series.

  • I took stock of my mental health and took steps to find assistance. I began medication for the first time in my life and I have a therapist I see a few times a month. I have been implementing healthier decisions in my life and have stopped borrowing happiness from my future in exchange for instant gratification.

It was a busy time, and in a lot of ways I felt like it was a transition year. I’ve been building momentum over the last few months and I’m ready to enter this new year running. To that end I have some exciting plans for 2024, including finishing the text for Titan’s Gambit and Tartarus Odyssey. I’m also hoping to release a couple of novels that I’ve been passionately drafting in the background: Dead End Job and Paradise Cost. These are couple of dark, satirical, comedies I’ve been writing over the last few years and I just know you’ll love them as much as I do.

In an effort to introduce some communication and accountability with all of you, I am adding a wordcount tracker to the home page of my site. It looks like this:

I’ll be updating it every week on Friday to reflect the writing I finished over the course of the previous week, so you’ll always know where I’m at in the writing process for the book I’m currently working on. If I miss a week, please feel free to call me out about it—in public if necessary. I want to produce so many things this year and I will need all of your help to make that possible.

I have more announcements in the coming weeks regarding beta reading opportunities, more updates for Citadel of the Dead, and potentially some podcast links, and this website is the place to find all of them first. Thank you for reading and I’ll see you in the next one!